語言書推薦 學校沒教的趣你的英語單字(附MP3)
學校沒教的趣你的英語單字(附MP3) 評價

叫做 學校沒教的趣你的英語單字(附MP3)
商品訊息描述: 內容簡介內容簡介1. hesitation [h?z?ˋte??n] n.[U][C] 躊躇、猶豫? If you don’t feel good in it, don’t wear it. If there are any hesitations in the fitting room, just walk away. (L’Wren Scott, Fashion Designer) 如果衣服穿起來你不覺得好,不要穿。如果在試衣間裡感到猶豫,就走開。(蘿倫史考特,時尚設計師)? Act boldly and prepare for consequences. No good is ever done in this world by hesitation. (Thomas Huxley, Biologist) 大膽地去做,然後對後果有所準備,世上沒有好事是因為猶豫而產生的。(湯瑪斯赫胥黎,生物學家)2. honeymoon [ˋh?n??mun] n. [C] 蜜月(假期) honeymoons? At my wedding, I danced so crazily that I hurt my knees. The next morning, I had to use a wheelchair at the airport to go on my honeymoon. (Casey Wilson, Actress) 在我的婚禮上,我跳舞跳得太瘋狂,傷到我的膝蓋。隔天要去度蜜月時,在機場我必須坐輪椅。(凱西威爾森,演員)? The tans will fade, but the memories from our honeymoon will last forever. 曬黑的痕跡會消失,但我們蜜月的記憶卻永存。3. hopeful [ˋhopf?l] adj. 充滿希望的? To be hopeful means to wonder about the future, be open to possibilities, and to be ready to change everything about yourself. (Rebecca Soinit, Writer) 充滿希望表示對未來感到好奇,放開心面對所有可能,並隨時準備改變自己。(蕾貝卡弗格森,作家)? I’m always hopeful. I feel like I’m at a party waiting for someone to ask me to dance. (Sarah Dessen, Writer) 我向來都充滿希望。我覺得我像在派對上等待某人邀我共舞。(莎拉迪森,作家)4. horrify [ˋh?r??fa?] vt. 使恐懼 horrified horrified? I think I’m an average-looking guy. Sometimes I look great, and other time I look horrifying. (Bradley Cooper, Actor) 我覺得我長相平凡,我有時看起來帥氣,有時看起來很恐怖。(布萊德利庫柏,演員)? I did a film once that I was killed in. It was a painful and horrifying day. (Leslie Easterbrook, Actress) 有次拍了部電影,在電影中我被殺害,那天真是痛苦且恐怖。(萊斯利伊斯特布鲁克,演員)5. housewife [ˋha?s?wa?f] n. [C] 家庭主婦 housewives? As a housewife, I feel that if the kids are still alive when my husband gets home, then I did a good job. (Roseanne Barr, Actress) 身為一位家庭主婦,我認為只要先生到家時小孩還活著,我就算做得很好了。(蘿珊妮巴爾,演員)? I love being a mother but hate being a housewife. The cooking and laundry takes away time I could be with my kids. (Marcia Gay Harden, Actress) 我樂於當一位母親,但痛恨當家庭主婦,煮飯和洗衣服剝奪我可以與孩子相處的時間。(瑪西亞蓋哈登,演員)6. humidity [hjuˋm?d?t?] n. [U] 濕氣、濕度? I’m like a mosquito. I love humidity, and I don’t sweat. (Shakira, Singer) 我就像蚊子一樣,熱愛潮濕而且不會流汗。(夏奇拉,歌手)? Books have the same enemies as people: fire, animals, and humidity. (Paul Valery, Poet) 書和人有共同的敵人:火、動物及潮溼的天氣。(保羅瓦萊里,詩人)7. identical [a?ˋd?nt?k!] adj. 完全相似的? I’m glad I have identical twin boys because I can save money on photographs. Here’s my little boy, and I got another one just like it. (Ray Ramano, Actor) 我很高興我有長相相似的雙胞胎兒子,因為我可以省照片錢。這個是我的兒子,然後還有另外一個也是長這樣。(雷羅曼諾,演員)? Our days are identical boxes. All the same size but some people can pack more into them than others.我們的日子都是一樣的箱子,全部的大小都一樣,但有些人就是可以放更多東西在裡面。8. identify [a?ˋd?nt??fa?] vt. vi. 確認、確定 identified identified? Every guitar player has something special about their playing. They just have to identify and develop it. (Jimmy Page, Musician) 每個吉他手都有他獨特的彈法,只是需要找出它並持續發展。(吉米佩奇,音樂家)? It’s easier to identify with loss than love, because we had so much more experience of it. (Roger Ebert, Critic) 認同失去比認同愛更容易,因為我們失去的經驗比較豐富。(羅傑艾伯特,評論家)9. idle [ˋa?d!] adj. 閒置的、懶惰的? To do something just for money is to be truly idle. (Henry David Thoreau, Author) 只為了錢做事是真正的無所事事。(亨利大衛梭羅,作家)? I love being on set. The hardest thing for me is dealing with idle time, that’s when I get in trouble. (Shia LeBeouf, Actor) 我喜歡到攝影現場,對我來說最痛苦的是面對空閒時間,那是我遇到麻煩的時候。(西亞李畢福,作家)10. idol [ˋa?d!] n. [C] 偶像 idols? I would love to be a pop idol although my fans would now be between 40 and 50 years old. (Kevin Bacon, Actor) 我很想當流行偶像,雖然我的影迷現在都在四十歲到五十歲之間了。(凱文貝肯,演員)? Every girl creates a dream in her mind; everyone needs an idol. (Roberto Cavalli, Fashion Designer) 每個女孩心中都有個夢,每個人都需要一個偶像。(羅伯特卡沃利,時尚設計師)11. ignorant [ˋ?gn?r?nt] adj. 無知的? We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid. (Benjamin Franklin, Founding Father of the United States) 我們生來都是無知的,但維持愚蠢卻要很大的努力。(班傑明法蘭克林,美國國父)? It takes a lot of things to prove you are smart, but only one thing to prove you are ignorant. (Don Herold, Writer) 證明自己很聰明,需要很多努力,但只需一件事便會證明自己無知。(唐黑落德,作家)12. imaginary [?ˋm?d???n?r?] adj. 虛構的、幻想的? Many children make up imaginary languages. I haven’t stopped since I could write. (J.R.R. Tolkien, Writer) 很多小孩都會創造自己虛構的語言,我自從會寫字後便沒停過。(J?R?R?托爾金,作家)? A relationship with an imaginary woman is better than a relationship with a real one. (Salman Rushdie, Novelist) 和幻想的女人交往比跟真實的女人交往好多了。(塞爾曼魯西迪,小說家)13. imitate [ˋ?m??tet] vt. 模仿、仿效 imitated imitated? Life doesn’t imitate art, it imitates bad television. (Woody Allen, Director) 人生不仿效藝術,而是模仿了拙劣的電視節目。(伍迪艾倫,導演)? I dress like a doll. I look at doll outfits and imitate them. (Taylor Momsen, Actress/Musician) 我把自己打扮得像洋娃娃,我會看洋娃娃的穿著,然後模仿。(泰勒摩森,演員、歌手)14. imitation [?m?ˋte??n] n. [U] 模仿、仿造? Rudeness is a weak person’s imitation of strength. (Eric Hoffer, Philosopher) 無禮是懦弱的人們試著假裝堅強。(艾瑞克賀佛爾,哲學家)? The best imitation in the world is not half as good as a poor original. (Luise Rainer, Actress) 世上最好的模仿還不如粗劣的原創一半好。(路易士雷納,演員)15. immigrant [ˋ?m?gr?nt] n. [C](外來)移民 immigrants? My father taught me that immigrants must work twice as hard and never give up. (Zinedine Zidane, Footballer) 我的父親教導我,移民必須付出別人兩倍的努力,且永不放棄。(齊內丁齊丹,足球選手)? Superman is the greatest immigrant. He comes from another world and helps people with his amazing powers. (Bryan Singer, Film Director) 超人是最棒的移民,他來自另一個世界,而且善用他神奇的力量幫助別人(布萊恩辛格,電影導演)目錄目錄Jin-Ha Woo作者簡介作者簡介Jin Ha Woo出生並成長於夏威夷,夏威夷大學瑪諾分校第二語言研究系學士與碩士畢業。目前是韓東國際大學的英國語言教授,熱衷於教學以及研究語言學習動機與教育科技等。